Why do menstrual delays occur? Strange Late Period


Do you know all the reasons why do menstrual delays occur? Did you experiment with a menstrual delay?

It is important to carry out periodic check-ups to be able to detect any possible alteration that may arise in time. Early detection increases the chances of successful treatments.

why do menstrual delays occurThroughout her life, a woman may have several menstrual delays, for various reasons that do not necessarily include pregnancy. Depending on the causes, the situation may be temporary and not cause major inconvenience. However, on other occasions it is necessary to pay attention and go to the doctor.

There is no single cause. In fact, several factors are generally taken into account, and many of them include aspects of a woman’s day-to-day life, such as diet, sleep quality, stress management, among others.

Why Do Menstrual Delays Occur? Factors To Take Into Account

When it comes to menstrual delays, there are several factors to consider:

  • The moment in which they occur(circumstances).
  • What symptoms it includes(and what it doesn’t).
  • The duration of the problem.
  • The age of the woman.
  • The lifestyle.

Depending on when the delay occurs, your age and your lifestyle, the delay and lack of menstruation can have one meaning or another. Hence the importance of going to the doctor for an evaluation and diagnosis.

Sometimes, the delay can be due to the fact that you have been with your period for a short time and your cycle is still not regular.

In adolescence, it is common for menstrual cycle disorders to occur, as stated in this study carried out by the National Committee of Endocrinology. Due to the intense hormonal activity typical of this age. Probably, the menstruation comes more abundantly, is longer, is early and late.

Chronic Stress As A Trigger For Disorders Or Irregular Periods

Just as chronic stress is capable of causing various alterations such as palpitations, headaches, hair loss, muscle tension and pain, fatigue, irritability, stomach discomfort, sleeping problems, etc., it can also cause menstrual advancements or delays in the woman.

The hormones of stress can cause alterations in the duration of the cycle, according to the study conducted by the researchers making irregular and intensify the discomfort of even PMS. For this reason, the woman may have stronger headaches or notice more swelling in the belly.

Stress is one of the most common causes of menstrual delays. Once lifestyle habits begin to improve and techniques are applied to manage it correctly, the discomfort usually disappears without the need for any pharmacological treatment.

Despite the fact that stress is a common cause, it is necessary to clarify that each woman is different. Therefore, the check-up is essential. 

In other words: even if two women are late due to a period of high stress, the recommendations will not be identical. One may need to pay more attention to eating, for example, while the other may need cognitive behavioral therapy.

Common Reasons For A Late Period

If you’ve missed your period or noticed your period is a day late, it’s natural to wonder why. Here are some of the most common reasons for your question: Why Do Menstrual Delays Occur?:

  • Menopause and Perimenopause: These life stages can lead to irregular or missed periods.
  • PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome): This medical condition can make your period late or missed.
  • Thyroid Issues: Problems with the thyroid can cause hormonal imbalances, affecting your menstrual cycle.
  • Birth Control: Using hormonal birth control pills can also make your period late.
  • Pregnancy: Always consider taking a pregnancy test if you’ve missed your period and you’re sexually active.
  • Hormonal Levels: Imbalances in hormone levels can disrupt your reproductive system, leading to late or absent periods.
  • Lifestyle Changes: Stress, weight changes, or even travel can cause irregular periods.
  • Medical Consultation: If your period doesn’t come within 28 days, it’s considered late. Consult a healthcare provider to determine the cause.

Remember, late periods happen for a variety of reasons, and it’s often nothing to worry about. However, underlying medical conditions could be a factor, so it’s a good idea to consult a healthcare provider for a thorough evaluation.

Measures To Manage Stress

To prevent stress from taking complete control of the body and causing alterations such as menstrual delays, it is essential to rely on good lifestyle habits and, as far as possible, try to learn various techniques to manage stress. In this way, you can enjoy well-being day by day.

Remember that it is important to be consistent and consistent with your habits. Otherwise, you will not get the desired benefits.

Recommended Living Guidelines:

  • Maintain a balanced diet. The benefits of a good diet and hydration are multiple and should be taken advantage of.
  • Practice physical exercise daily. According to this study carried out by the University of Guayaquil(Ecuador), physical activity helps to release tension, distract the mind and release hormones that have a positive effect on the body and, therefore, contribute to well-being. Find an activity that you like, attract your attention or are passionate about and start practicing it to feel better.
  • Cultivate family and friendship relationships. Socialize, practice active listening, express yourself healthily with those who matter most to you, distract yourself.
  • Eliminate tobacco and alcohol consumption, since this not only damages your physical health but could increase your stress levels(although they seem like a way to relieve it at the moment, they actually only accentuate the problem).
  • Set aside time for leisure, every day. The moments of self-love, in which you enjoy a reading, a relaxing bath, listen to music or practice any hobby you like(such as gardening, video games, etc.) will help you disconnect from worries and better manage daily stress.

Note: watching TV and surfing the internet(or just being on social media) may seem like measures that help distract you, but they can increase your stress levels. Therefore, it is always preferable that you give priority to other types of activities, such as sports, dancing, etc.

When To See Your Doctor?

In the event that you have frequent menstrual delays and present discomfort that progressively worsens, you should consult your gynecologist as soon as possible.

Avoid postponing the checkup, since it is essential to detect the origin of the problem and treat it in time.

Conclusion: Taking Control Of Your Menstrual Health

In summary, there are a variety of reasons why you might experience a late or missed period. From menopause to PCOS, hormonal imbalances, and even lifestyle changes, understanding the possible causes is the first step in taking control of your menstrual health.

If your period is consistently late or absent, it’s crucial to see a doctor for a thorough evaluation. This will help you rule out any underlying medical conditions and guide you on the best course of action.

Remember, your period is a vital sign of your overall health, so don’t ignore irregularities.


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