7 reasons why your breasts can hurt


Breast pain is a symptom that can cause concern. Discover 7 causes that can cause breast pain and pay attention to them. If it is recurrent, consult the specialist to receive an accurate diagnosis.

BreastMost women, at least once in their life, experience tenderness or pain in one or both breasts. It is a common symptom that is sometimes cause for concern, as many links it to breast cancer and inflammatory diseases.

The truth is that its appearance is related to multiple factors and, although these diseases should not be ruled out, it is almost always the product of a hormonal change.

Taking into account that many do not know what can cause breast pain, in the following space we have compiled its 7 main causes. 

Factors that cause breast pain

1.Hormone factors

The continuous hormonal changes that women go through are the main cause of breast tenderness.

  • Teenagers who start their menstrual cycle often feel pain in the days leading up to their menstrual period.
  • It is also common among those who suffer from PMS and irregular menstrual periods.
  • In some cases, the pain occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, coinciding with ovulation.
  • The use of birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy can be other causes of this symptom. This is suggested by this study conducted by the Mayo Clinic in Arizona.

2. Breast cysts

Cysts in the breasts are fluid-filled sacs that form in the breast tissues.

These occur when the mammary glands enlarge, either from hormonal changes or inflammatory imbalances.

Although they are bulky and can cause pain, it is a benign problem that can be easily treated.

  •   It is essential to seek timely care, as they sometimes reach a size that is easily palpable.

3. Abscesses in the breasts

In certain cases, the feeling of heaviness and pain in the breasts is due to an infectious condition known as a breast abscess. This is stated in this study from the Virgen del Rocio Hospital(Seville).

It consists of the accumulation of pus in the breast tissue, which forms small soft lumps that can cause pain when palpated.

Its main cause is bacteria that enter the breast through cracks in the nipples or due to difficulties during breastfeeding.

It is essential to seek medical help, as antibiotic treatments are required to control the infection.

4. Breast cancer

Inflammation and pain in the breast tissues tends to be related to breast cancer, especially when it is a recurring symptom.

However, although this is a possible cause, it is very rarely what explains this feeling of sensitivity.

Breast pain caused by this disease is one of the symptoms that takes the longest to appear when it develops. Therefore, other signs of the disease have probably already manifested previously.

5. Pregnancy

Due to the hormonal changes it involves, pregnancy is a leading cause of breast pain, as this study from the University of North Carolina states.

In fact, in most cases, it is one of the primary symptoms of this state.

  • Women tend to feel more sensitive when it is their first pregnancy or when it occurs at an early age.
  • Usually during the first trimester of pregnancy, the breasts increase in size. In addition to pain, you can see small blue veins that indicate increased blood flow in the area.

6. Lactation

Although the breastfeeding period is special because of the mother-child connection, it is inevitable that there is pain and tenderness in the breasts.

Regardless of whether the woman breastfeeds or not, the rise in milk and hormonal activity generate that uncomfortable pain.

Also, when the breasts become dry and cracked, there is the possibility of getting a bacterial or yeast infection.

Therefore, if the pain is frequent and does not improve with the days, it is essential to consult the doctor to analyze if it is due to an infection.

7. Mastitis

The mastitis is an inflammatory condition that originates during lactation due to obstruction of the milk ducts.

This situation can occur due to the attack of a microbe in the breast tissue, which triggers an inflammatory response.

In addition to pain, this can be recognized with symptoms such as:

  • Redness of the breasts
  • Inflammation
  • Fever
  • Feeling of fatigue
  • General discomfort

If your breasts hurt, analyze what your case may be and consult your doctor if you suspect a problem.


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