What happens in the body during menopause?

The changes in the body during menopause are less intense and visible if you adopt a healthier lifestyle consistent with those transformations. Currently, menopause is...

11 Powerful Best Foods to Eat During Menopause for Weight Loss

11 Best Foods to Eat During Menopause for Weight Loss Hello, amazing readers! We're back to explore a topic that's crucial for many women: menopause...

The age of menopause

The age of menopause refers specifically to the time when menstruation stops. On the other hand, the term climacteric defines the stage in which women...

Why do women have a swollen belly at menopause?

Sometimes the belly can swell from the consumption of certain foods, but in what other cases can it happen? Let's see it next. Most women who...

Hormonal changes in menopause

The hormonal changes in menopause do not happen suddenly, but they are established little by little. Menopause is not a specific moment, but a process. We...

Menopause: 8 things you should know

Menopause is a fundamental stage in the life of all women. Knowing it is the best way to face the changes it implies naturally. The Menopause is...

Blood Clots During Menstruation: Heavy Menstrual Bleeding – Causes

Blood Clots During Menstruation: Heavy Menstrual Bleeding - Causes When the topic of menstruation arises, it often brings with it a hush of voices and...

Menstruation Mood Changes -Tips To Improve Your Mood During Menstrual Cycle

Menstruation Mood Changes - Premenstrual Mood Swings Depending on which day of our cycle we are, the menstruation mood changes us go through different states....

Exclusive: The 1 Day Menstruation Hack Every Woman Needs To Know!

Ever felt puzzled by your periods? One fact might surprise you: a 1 day menstruation can signal many things, including pregnancy. This article walks you...

How To Stop Menstruation Immediately At Home? 6 Natural Remedies

How To Stop Menstruation Immediately At Home? 6 Natural Remedies Ah, the monthly ritual we all love to hate—our period. Ever found yourself in a...

Is There a Cause for Irregular Menstruation? Here are the Best...

While there is no single cause for irregular menstruation periods, a few typical suspects can lead to them. If you're one of the millions of...

The Causes Of Vaginal Bleeding In The Elderly And How To...

Vaginal bleeding in the elderly can be a very distressing experience. It is embarrassing and can also be a sign of a more severe...

Why can my period last longer than normal?

The longer than normal period can cause concern in women, since it is sometimes an indicator of some pathology or alteration in the reproductive...

7 things no one tells you about your menstrual period

Our menstrual period is something natural, so we should not magnify it either. Learning to live with him can make things much easier for us...

7 possible causes of late period

Your period can be delayed for a variety of reasons, ranging from stress to pathology. Although many women think about pregnancy every time, they have...