Diet and menopause


When including foods rich in fiber, it is important to remember also to increase your consumption of water so that it does not make a plug and cause an effect contrary to the desired.

Diet and MenopauseThe stage of menopause is something that affects all women from one moment to another after a certain age. In fact, during this time it is common to experience a series of symptoms caused by the important hormonal change that the body carries out.

Among the most annoying symptoms are hot flashes or hot flashes. These are usually felt much more frequently at night. On the other hand, another of the annoyances that this stage represents are the frequent changes of mood, and the difficulty to fall asleep.

To reduce all these discomforts caused by hormonal changes during menopause we can resort to certain foods. An adequate diet can help us to overcome this stage, which although it does not make the symptoms disappear, it can make our quality of life better.

Tips for menopause

In general terms, the diet for women in menopause is not too far from the recommendations that the rest of the population should take into account.

Increase the consumption of foods that provide calcium

Among these foods we can find some such as broccoli and almonds. It is essential that we all be clear that we have to consume good amounts of calcium, especially if we are over fifty and are going through the time of menopause. Why?

This is so because, during this stage, estrogens are lost. Therefore, what they do is prevent the bones from absorbing the amounts of calcium necessary for them to be strong and healthy, increasing the risk of suffering from osteoporosis.

To ensure that calcium is completely absorbed and deposited in the bones, it must be combined with foods rich in vitamin D, present in oily fish, eggs, and brown rice, although the body produces this vitamin from exposure to Sun. That is why it is convenient to exercise and go for a walk outdoors whenever possible. Sun exposure of between 15 and 30 minutes a day on the face and arms is sufficient.

In general, it is advisable to increase the intake of fruits, vegetables and vegetables, legumes, whole grains and nuts, as well as reduce the intake of very fatty foods. All the indicated foods are common in a healthy diet.

To keep in mind!

A tip that can be useful to reduce the typical hot flashes of menopause is to lose weight. Maintaining a balanced diet and exercising regularly can be habits that help us.


  • First of all, remember to do some kind of moderate physical exercise.
  • Also, eat a healthy and correct diet.

These tips are the key to keeping annoying symptoms that occur during menopause in check. In any case, we recommend that you consult a specialist if you need help to cope with the symptoms of menopause, as well as to specify the most appropriate diet for you.


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