Why Is More Gas Generated During Menstruation? Nasty Period Farts


Why Is More Gas Generated During Menstruation? Period Farts

Gas generated during menstruation is a topic that many find awkward to discuss. However, it’s a natural bodily function that affects a large number of women.

The hormonal changes that occur during menstruation lead to some changes in the body. That is why many women have an increase in gas and digestive problems during their period.
gas generated during menstruation
Although in principle it seems that menstruation does not have a direct relationship with the increase in gas, the truth is that there is a connection between one process and the other. This is despite the fact that the digestive and reproductive systems are apparently independent of each other.

For many women, excess gas is one of the symptoms that accompanies menstruation. At least this occurs in two-thirds of the female population. Those who also already have a history of digestive problems, suffer this situation more severely.

So far, no exact and detailed explanation has been found of why this phenomenon occurs. However, it is known that the hormonal ups and downs that the menstrual cycle brings affect the gastrointestinal processes. Let’s look at this in more detail.

1. The Origin Of Gases – Period Farts

It is normal to have gas and pass it, although around this there is a certain social taboo and it causes embarrassment in some people. It is considered completely natural for a person to pass gas between 6 and 20 times a day.

In turn, it is normal to burp three or four times after eating. Gas is generated in the intestine or stomach as food breaks down in the body. Some foods produce more gas than others.

Likewise, in some people they are more frequent than in others, without this implying some type of pathology.

In addition to some foods, food intolerance or the intake of certain medications, menstruation also gives rise to a greater number of gases. This is due to changes in hormone levels in the body. That is why it is also a frequent situation during menopause.

2. Menstruation And Digestive System

During menstruation, great hormonal changes occur in the body. This often affects the digestive system. It is normal for these types of problems to occur during the menstrual cycle:

  • Constipation. It usually occurs during ovulation, as the progesterone cycles slow down. The result is the relaxation of the muscles of the digestive tract. This, in turn, creates greater difficulties in disposing of waste.
  • Diarrhea. Diarrhea is common in the days before your period starts. It is because at that time there is excess serotonin and oxytocin, which leads to greater mobility in the intestines.
  • Gases. Hormonal changes significantly alter the rhythms of digestion. This leads to more gas accumulation during the menstrual period.

3. What Causes Gas During Menstruation?

Hormonal Changes

During menstruation, the body experiences a shift in hormones, specifically progesterone and estrogen. These hormones play a role in the digestive system, affecting how your intestines work.

When hormone levels fluctuate, it can slow down your digestive system, leading to gas and bloating.

Diet And Lifestyle

What you eat also impacts gas production. Foods high in fiber, while generally healthy, can produce more gas. Also, a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to increased gas during menstruation.

4. Symptoms of Menstrual Gas

Physical Discomfort

The most obvious symptom is a feeling of fullness or bloating in the abdomen. This can be accompanied by mild to severe cramps. You may also experience flatulence more frequently.

Emotional Impact

The physical discomfort can lead to emotional symptoms like irritability and stress. It’s important to recognize these symptoms early to manage them effectively.

Most Common Gas Symptoms Frequently Affected Age Groups Recommendations
Abdominal Pain Teens to Adults (13-50 years) Over-the-counter antacids or gas relief medications
Bloating Adults (18-50 years) Dietary changes, such as avoiding gas-causing foods frequent
Frequent Flatulence All Ages Exercise and physical activity to improve digestion
Belching Adults (18-50 years) Eat slowly and avoid carbonated drinks
Stomach Cramps Teens to Adults (13-50 years) Warm compress on the abdomen
Gurgling Noises All Ages Stay hydrated and avoid overeating


  1. Consult a Healthcare Provider: If you experience severe or persistent gas symptoms, especially during your menstrual cycle, consult a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.
  2. Dietary and Lifestyle Changes: Incorporate anti-bloating foods and drinks into your diet, and consider lifestyle changes like regular exercise and stress management techniques.

5. How To Manage Menstrual Gas?

Dietary Changes

  • Avoid Gas-Producing Foods: Foods like beans, lentils, and certain vegetables can increase gas.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking water can help alleviate bloating.

Physical Activity

Regular exercise can help your digestive system function more efficiently, reducing gas.

6. Period Farts: Why You Feel Gassy Before & During Your Period

Period farts or gas before your period are more common than you think. Leading up to your period, estrogen and progesterone levels fluctuate, affecting your gastrointestinal symptoms. Prostaglandin, a hormone-like substance, contributes to period cramps and can also lead to increased gas.

Abdominal pain and bloating are common PMS (premenstrual syndrome) symptoms that accompany this gas. Over-the-counter remedies are available, but if you suffer from severe gas or IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), it’s best to talk to your doctor.

Gut bacteria play a role in gas production, and certain foods known to cause gas can exacerbate symptoms. Water retention right before your period can also contribute to bloating and excess gas.

If you experience painful gas and symptoms like bloating during your monthly cycle, you’re not the only one. To ensure our content is accurate and current, this information relies on peer-reviewed studies and academic research institutions.

7. Why Do Period Farts Smell So Bad?

Ever wondered why gas during your period seems to have a stronger odor? You’re not alone. The culprit often lies in the hormonal changes and bowel movements that occur during your menstrual cycle.

Progesterone, a hormone that affects the lining of your uterus, can slow down the small intestine, leading to excessive gas production. It can cause gas bubbles to accumulate, contributing to intraluminal gas in women and resulting in bad-smelling farts.

Birth control pills, often used to manage menstrual symptoms, can also contribute to excess gas and abdominal bloating. If you suffer from period gas pains, over-the-counter remedies are available. For individuals with irritable bowel syndrome, it’s best to consult medical associations for guidelines.

To ensure our content is accurate and current, this information relies on peer-reviewed studies.

8. Additional Information About Gas Generated During Menstruation

The bacteria in the intestines also change with each menstrual cycle. This is because hormonal fluctuation affects these bacteria and changes their composition in the intestine.

Also, this changes bacterial fermentation. The consequence is that the gases during menstruation have a more intense and fetid odor.

Some foods are especially irritating during your period, particularly dairy. It should be remembered that these do not include only milk, but all its derivatives, such as cheese, butter, yogurt, and all those processed foods that include milk in their composition.

Coffee often has similar effects. Both this and dairy products have an even more powerful effect on those women who previously had gastrointestinal problems.

Those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome have more gas and more severe symptoms during menstruation.

9. Recommendation Recipe For Gas Generated During Menstruation

Summer De-Bloating Smoothie


  • 1 cup pineapple, frozen
  • 1 banana, frozen
  • ¼ English cucumber, cubed
  • 1 tablespoon pure matcha powder
  • 1-inch piece peeled ginger root
  • 1¼ cup coconut water


  1. Put all ingredients into a blender and mix until smooth. Add more coconut water as needed. For a thicker consistency, add more ice.
  2. Serve and enjoy!

This smoothie contains fruits and veggies known to be hydrating and support digestion. It is cooling, slightly sweet, and delicious.

10. When To See A Doctor?

If you experience severe symptoms that persist even after trying home remedies, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare provider. They can rule out any underlying conditions that may be causing excessive gas.

11. Conclusion

Gas generated during menstruation is a common but often overlooked issue. By understanding the hormonal changes that occur during this time, you can take steps to manage symptoms and improve your well-being.

Note: This article is for informational purposes and should not replace professional medical advice.

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1. Why do I experience more gas during my period?

During your menstrual cycle, hormonal fluctuations, particularly in estrogen and progesterone, can affect your gastrointestinal system. This can lead to increased gas production and bloating.

2. Are period farts normal?

Yes, experiencing gas before and during your period is a normal part of the menstrual cycle for many women. Hormonal changes can contribute to excess gas and other symptoms like abdominal bloating.

3. Why do period farts smell worse than usual?

The hormone progesterone can slow down the small intestine, leading to excessive gas production and accumulation of gas bubbles. This can result in bad-smelling farts during your period.

4. Can birth control pills affect period gas?

Yes, birth control pills, which are often used to manage menstrual symptoms, can contribute to excess gas and abdominal bloating. If you're concerned, consult your healthcare provider for alternatives.

5. What can I do to manage gas and bloating during my period?

Over-the-counter remedies are available to reduce gas symptoms. However, if you have irritable bowel syndrome or severe symptoms, it's best to consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice.


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