7 Common Causes Of Vaginal Bleeding Menstrual Cycles And What To Do

Vaginitis, polyps, fibroid, and hormonal imbalances can all cause vaginal bleeding during menstrual cycles. If you’re experiencing spotting or heavy bleeding,
it’s essential to seek medical help as soon as possible.
Here we’ll outline the seven most common causes of vaginal bleeding during menstrual cycles. You will find also the steps you can take to get relief.
From identifying the root cause to taking care of your health overall, this will help you get your menstrual cycle back on track and live a healthy life!
causes of vaginal bleeding menstrual cycles

What Is Vaginal Bleeding?

Vaginal bleeding can be a typical menstrual cycle symptom and can vary in intensity and duration. Some causes of vaginal bleeding include polyps, infections, trauma, hormonal changes, and cancer.
If you’re experiencing frequent or heavy periods. Talk to your doctor about the possibility of a gynecological condition.
Many treatments are available for vaginal bleeding. From prescription medications to over-the-counter remedies.
So don’t worry; vaginal bleeding is not the world’s end! Just make sure to talk to your doctor about the bleeding you’re experiencing. From him, you can get the help you need.

Causes Of Vaginal Bleeding Menstrual Cycles

7 Common causes of vaginal bleeding menstrual cycles and what you can do about itVaginal bleeding during your menstrual period is a common occurrence. Various factors can cause it, and it can be challenging to determine the cause. However, you should be aware of some common causes of vaginal bleeding during menstrual periods.
These include inherited factors, health conditions, and lifestyle choices. If you think you may be experiencing vaginal bleeding during your menstrual period, it’s essential to consult your doctor to rule out any possible causes.
In the meantime, some of the most common causes of vaginal bleeding in menstrual cycles may require treatment. It may involve treating the underlying condition or using a safe contraceptive to prevent pregnancy during that month.
So, no matter the cause, don’t be afraid to contact your healthcare provider. They will be able to help you figure out the best course of action for you.

1. Fertility And Reproduction Factors

There are fertility and reproductive factors that can affect women in both the short and long run. Some of the most common ones include birth control pills, infections, menopause symptoms, polyps or cancerous changes in the uterus, stress levels, etc.
It is essential to be aware of these things to manage them appropriately. This way, you can maximize your chances of pregnancy or avoid any complications that may arise from fertility issues.

2. Infections

Vaginal InfectionsInfections are one of the most common causes of vaginal bleeding during menstrual cycles. Many types of infections can lead to vaginal bleeding in menstrual cycles, some of which require treatment.
However, the most common type is an ibuprofen-related infection, accounting for almost half of all cases, and cervix infection. The cervix of the uterus is the door of the womb.
The cervix and the area between it and your vagina are covered in hair-like tissue that protects you from infection.
When this tissue gets infected, bacteria (often from sexual contact) can set up shop in your body causing infection of these areas or infection of an organ.
The most exposed one is the fallopian tubes or ovaries called pelvic inflammatory disease, often abbreviated PID. The infection is also called a sexually transmitted disease (STD).
You can take action to prevent further infections by taking care of your hygiene and using effective contraception methods if you are sexually active.

3. Medications And Devices

Several medications and devices can lead to vaginal bleeding during menstrual cycles. Birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy, and chemotherapy are some of the most common culprits.
Devices such as tampons and menstrual cups can also cause heavy bleeding in women. It is to speak with your doctor or pharmacist about possible solutions. They will be able to recommend various measures you can take to minimize the likelihood of spotting or heavy bleeding happening again.

4. Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal ImbalanceVaginal bleeding during menstrual cycles is the result of hormonal imbalance. To fix the problem, take supplements or change your diet.
In some cases, it might require the help of a doctor. You can try to fix the problem through dietary changes and exercises that improve hormone levels. If all else fails, you should consult a doctor for further advice.

5. Uterine Fibroid

Uterine fibroids are benign tumors that can grow in the uterus. They can cause heavy periods, irregular bleeding, and pain during sex.
Treatment options include surgery, medication, and radiotherapy. You can reduce your risk of developing uterine fibroids by having regular check-ups and gynecological exams.

6. Cancer

Cancer is a severe disease that can affect any organ of the body. If you are worried about your health, it is essential to see a doctor for an examination. Get treatment based on the type and stage of cancer.
Some ways to reduce your risk of cancer include eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding tobacco products. Excessive uterine bleeding that could be cancerous is the most common reason women go to a doctor.
Uterine cancer is usually diagnosed at an earlier stage.
You can get your routine blood tests to help monitor for possible changes in your cycles or spotting between periods.
In this case, a biopsy is recommended. Taking small amounts of tissue from the inside walls of your vagina to investigate and treat any problems.

7. Miscarriage

MiscarriageIf you are experiencing vaginal bleeding, you must visit your doctor as soon as possible. It could indicate that you have experienced a miscarriage. So, it is best to
consult them immediately.
Miscarrying can happen at any stage of pregnancy but the most common time for this event to take place is during the first 12 weeks. So keep an eye out for any changes in your menstrual cycle.
Spotting or bleeding might indicate a miscarriage happening sooner rather than later!

Symptoms Of Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding

Vaginal spotting or bleeding during your menstrual cycle is one of the most common symptoms. It does not always indicate serious health problems.
Common causes include changes in hormones, infections, and uterine structural abnormalities. That’s why it’s essential to know the symptoms of abnormal bleeding and to rule out potential causes before treating them.

What Causes Abnormal Bleeding Between Periods?

There are a variety of things that can cause vaginal bleeding between periods. It can make life difficult for women. It’s essential to check for the most common causes of bleeding. Get treatment for any issues as soon as possible.
If you’re experiencing heavy vaginal bleeding, you must see a doctor as soon as possible.
Additionally, keeping track of your menstrual cycle is key in diagnosing and treating any underlying issues. Doing this ensures that you’re taking the appropriate steps to fix the problem and get back to your life as usual.

Women Stage Teens, 20s, And 30s

Among women in their teens, 20s, and 30s, abnormal bleeding is the most common complaint. It can be due to various factors such as menopause, pregnancy, or birth control pills.
If you’re experiencing this problem, there are a few things you can do to manage it.
First of all, it’s vital to have an unbalanced hormone level.
Secondly, endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are common causes of abnormal uterine bleeding. These disorders involve the overproduction of hormones that may cause inflammation in the uterus lining.
Thirdly, the inheritance of genes causes spotting between periods or heavy bleeding.
In some cases, the problem may be more severe and require antibiotics or hysterectomy surgery to relieve cramps and pain.
causes of vaginal bleeding menstrual cycles
Menstrual pain. PMS symptoms and premenstrual syndrome treatment. Women have abdominal pains and headaches. Menstruation cycle vector infographic. Illustration of female menstruation period

Women Stage 40s And Early 50s

Women in their 40s and 50s are usually at a higher risk of developing abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) due to changes in hormone levels.
Oligomenorrhea is the most common type of AUB when you don’t have any periods.
Menorrhagia is also more common in this age group. It can be caused by an increase in hormonal levels or fibroids.
Dysmenorrhea is the most common form of menstrual pain. It can also be aggravated by stress, anxiety, and pelvic floor problems. You can do several things to reduce your risk of recurrent AUB: exercise regularly eats a healthy diet, and get enough sleep.
Additionally, taking regular birth control pills may help keep your period schedule under control. In this way bloating and cramps aren’t an issue every month.

Women After Menopause

After menopause, women often experience irregular menstrual cycles for several reasons. The most common cause of bleeding after menopause is decreasing estrogen levels. Which often happens as our body begins winding down after childbirth and aging.
Other causes can include polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, and childbirth. You can do many things to help reduce the risk of abnormal uterine bleeding. It includes exercise, weight loss, and contraception use.
Make sure to speak with your doctor about the best contraceptive option based on your health history and lifestyle habits!
While hormonal contraception may be your best bet for preventing pregnancy in this stage of life, other contraceptives like IUDs (intrauterine devices) or condoms also work well in this situation.

Types of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Spot

Some of the most common causes of vaginal bleeding menstrual cycle irregularities, ovulation issues, sexual intercourse, and infections. There are many
possible causes of vaginal bleeding. Due to that, it is challenging to determine the root of the problem.
However, by attending to a few basics, you can get to the bottom of the issue and address it accordingly.
Heavy menstrual bleeding is a significant issue for millions of women worldwide. Women who experience heavy menstrual bleeding feel stressed. They cannot enjoy their usual activities during menstruation due to pain, heavy blood flow, or irregular bleeding.
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
Picture of adult woman waking up in the morning feeling sick
Heavy menstrual bleeding can also signify health problems.
By knowing the causes and identifying the problem, you can take the necessary steps to correct the issue. In most cases, vaginal bleeding is corrected with lifestyle changes or medication therapy.
So, don’t hesitate to seek help if you’re experiencing any abnormal vaginal bleeding.

When To Seek Medical Advice And Help

Menstrual bleeding is a regular and common occurrence during your menstrual cycle.
However, if the bleeding continues for more than two weeks or is accompanied by other symptoms (such as cramps), you should seek medical attention.
There are various reasons a woman might experience vaginal bleeding during her menstrual cycle. Some are unavoidable. You can better manage your reproductive health care by asking questions and gathering information about your health history.
The physical exam includes the medical history. Which is about a person’s health condition and how it affects one’s body. It will also include where any pains were located in your body when they happened.
The physical exam also involves a pelvic examination to determine the correct cause of bleeding.
You can also track your cycle with menstrual cycle calendar apps or ovulation predictor kits. It will give you a better understanding of where you are in your cycle.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Can I Do to Prevent The Recurring Cause Of Bleeding?

There’s no one answer to this question. The best way to prevent recurring menstrual bleeding depends on the individual.
However, some things that can help include: exercising regularly, keeping a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and practicing contraception. If you’re experiencing heavy or long periods, talk to your doctor about what might be causing the bleeding.
Additionally, there are several over-the-counter products available that may help. These products include birth control pills, progesterone creams, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and menstrual cups.
Talk to your doctor about the best option based on your health history and menstrual cycle.

What Are The Most Common Causes Of Bleeding Between Periods?

The most common cause of vaginal bleeding during menstruation is endometriosis, fibroids, or ovarian cysts. Other causes include missed periods.
Getting your period late by one or two days, getting pregnant (even if you’re not trying), having heavy periods, and using birth control pills that contain estrogen.
If the bleeding is severe or doesn’t go away after taking appropriate measures then consult a doctor.
causes of vaginal bleeding menstrual cycles - doctor help
close up of patient and doctor taking notes

Should I See A Doctor If I Have Recurrent Vaginal Bleeding?

While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Some more common causes of vaginal bleeding during menstrual cycles are polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and cancerous tumors in the vagina or cervix.
If you have recurrent vaginal bleeding, it’s always best to consult a doctor to rule out any underlying health concerns.


Vaginal bleeding is one of the most common complaints women have. It can signify various conditions, such as polyps, endometriosis, or ovulation problems.
However, vaginal bleeding can also be caused by menopause, menopause syndrome, or pregnancy.
In most cases, vaginal bleeding is treated efficiently and without any complications. If you are experiencing any causes of vaginal bleeding menstrual cycles or spotting, consult your doctor for an evaluation.
They will be able to determine the cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Thank you for reading!


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